Terms and conditions

Delivery information

The delivery time of an item is composed of: delivery time + shipping time = total delivery time. Your order at the company SOMO natural products manufactory Martin Deisenhofer KG (in the following company SOMO), shall promptly (max. 2 days) after Receipt of the order, with GLS parcel service delivered. Deliveries of the company SOMO performs exclusively on the basis of the following conditions by the delivery.


All prices are quoted gross incl. 20% USt.

1. Right of withdrawal

Buyer a consumer within the meaning of the consumer protection law, can withdraw within a period of 14 working days from receipt of delivery of the ordered goods in the distance closed purchase. It is sufficient if the goods will be sent within the time-limit.
Freight collect or cod are submissions will not be accepted or declined with a very high cost to the sender.
Downstream of büren shipments are accepted, they are set to return for remuneration.

2. Delivery

Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries shall be made ex works. The goods are shipped to the address provided by the purchaser to the well-known conditions of delivery. The company SOMO is committed to the delivery dates possible, to be adhered to.

3. Retention of title

Deliveries are always done under the Express Reservation of the ownership of the supplied goods until full payment of our claim. Prior to payment in full of the invoice is prohibited to the customer to pledge the goods, to assign it as a backup or third parties. Enforcement measures and the other the position of company SOMO disabling of access of third parties to the retention of title goods subject to, the purchaser must notify immediately in writing. The customer has to speak of such measures having regard to the reserved-title goods immediately to resist.

4. Warranty and liability

Defective product must be returned to the company SOMO back. The above limitations of the warranty, the liability, including such for damages is not excluded unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.

5. Jurisdiction, Governing Law, Miscellaneous

Court of jurisdiction for all, or in connection with the business relationship disputes is, as far as it is to consumers, shops, exclusively Güssing. To the extent that the non-mandatory legal provisions in accordance with the national law of the buyer to the contrary, shall be governed by Austrian law. The application of UN purchasing law is excluded. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions of delivery. From the fact that the company SOMO does not exercise an individual or your rights, can be derived a waiver of those rights. The customer acknowledges that the order will be processed supports data automation and stored. To advertising, the customer consents to revocation of the Transfer of his data (first name, family name, title, address, Email, subscriber number) purposes (in particular for the sending of information material and e-mails).

6. Place of performance

The place of performance is small mürbisch 39
7540 small mürbisch
Martin Deisenhofer KG
Commercial register number 526042t
Inspectorate: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
