The Institute for the exploration, development, conservation of nature spaces
....For humans, animals and NatUr we raise awareness for a natural way of life, which means...
....People in Intergenerational Working Groups - ActiveTime for the Young at Heart and Time Out for Children, Live and Experience the Moment
....Animals learn to understand ourselves in the reflection - natural births, mothering, in symbiosis with other species with humans in nature.
....Value nature for what God has given, revitalize farmland, preserve old varieties and seeds, protect wild herb meadows as nature discovery areas.
Project Nature
Experience, sense, feel breathe again recharge your batteries, this is about the perception in nature, what it tells us and shows us. We preserve meadows and forests! Communities can provide us with areas for observation and creation of all inhabitants and interested people. We observe and explore nature and its herbs. What grows in a meadow that is left pristine? What herbs does it produce? How can we use and preserve what nature has given us for the benefit of people and animals?
Project Agriculture
we show a biodynamic cultivation with a good conscience, products and products from wild herbs and cultivated herbs as well as other plants and trees, we preserve and multiply old varieties of their seeds and plantlets, re-cultivation of ancient cultivated plants in permaculture style according to our interpretation, under the motto: Nature in our kitchen, the obtained products are processed and refined.
In The Project "Primal Force Wedsche
erforschen wir in Seminaren, Veranstaltungen und Workshops Altes Wissen unserer Vorfahren. In 300 Tagen die Welt bei uns zu Gast.
In The Project
all projects find their place of action. A health-promoting education - and well-being center with adjoining cathedral house settlement is created...
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Thank you to our partners & sponsors
SEKEM Initiative Österreich
Verein Qevida-Gemeinwohlorganismus
Akademie Glücksraum
Alive Essence Schweiz
Emoto Peace Project
BON Childrens Home Austria
Akademie für Wissenschaftliche Geistheilung
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tiergestützte Therapie
Club ZoeVita
ZVR: 1833395262
7540 Kleinmürbisch 39
TEL: +43 66475037697
Bank connection: AT89 2011 1837 3047 1700 GIBAATWWXXX